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Current location:Home --> Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester STM-GF
Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester STM-GF
Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester STM-GF
Multi-Electrode DC Spark TesterThe STM-GF Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester is a cost-effective system for spark testing multi-conductor constructions during bunching and cabling. As many as seven high voltage test modules, strategically placed to test each cable element just prior to closing or jacketing, are connected to a single 10KV or 20KV STM spark teste…

Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester

The STM-GF Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester is a cost-effective system for spark testing  multi-conductor constructions during bunching and cabling.  As many as seven high voltage test modules, strategically placed to test each cable element just prior to closing or jacketing, are connected to a single 10KV or 20KV STM spark tester.

Each HV Test Module connects directly to the STM control unit and may be located as far as 60 meters (approx. 200 feet) away.

Multi-Electrode DC Spark Tester STM-GF
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